Wednesday, 16 April 2014

How to get motivated....and stay motivated

So I've got a couple of really big and interesting projects lined up for the near future as well as uni exams, ergo I may not be blogging as much but I realised I like it way to much to just completely stop after starting so recently. I'll blog as frequently as possible and might have more time now considering I'm not splitting all my time between huge projects and university (my first year is already over what???).

Anyway to the point of this post motivation! I don't know about any of you guys but I seem to get these short periods where I feel like " Yeah! I'm so motivated! I'm gonna do everything I need to do! Wooo!" and then like an hour later I'm back in bed on netflix watching gossip girl (which I surprisingly still haven't finished yet). So here are some of my tips on how to stay motivated.

1) DO NOT SAY YOU NEED THE INTERNET TO REVISE!!!! You can easily get everything you need from books suggested in your reading lists. So switch that internet off disconnect your computer from the wifi and work hard.

2) YOU DO NOT NEED YOUTUBE!!! If you want to listen to music download it and listen to it on an ipod. If you put youtube on well there goes any productivity for the next 4 hours (unless it's this 9hr video of the harry potter soundtrack

3) PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!!! Get someone to take it away from you for a few hours if you have to you can reply to those tweets and check your instagram later you do not need to do it right away not even as part of your 10 minute break.

Also my dad linked me to this article and I just thought I'd share this excerpt from it:

"If you don't believe that you have achieved anything particularly remarkable by age 17, that's okay, too. We hadn't heard of most world leaders by the time they reached 17. Part of the journey of life is finding the area in which we can make the biggest, most positive contribution and then following through with this awareness.

What's important to know is that by developing who you are on the inside, you will affect your external experience. 

Making a commitment. Working towards a goal with consistent, conscious actions. Being kind to yourself and to others. These are the things that matter. These are the things that will determine your success in the bigger scheme of life."