Wednesday, 12 March 2014

24 hour lockdown

Nowadays, people are rarely seen without some form of access to electronics and the internet. Whether you're at school, sat on the bus, the tube, university, work, the list goes on you will always be within reaching distance of a computer/laptop/tablet/phone all easily connected to the internet. In our obsession to instagram and tweet moments we often miss out on actually enjoying the thing. I mean yeah you might have the memory but you're missing vital time enjoying it in the presence.

I, along with my family, therefore have a complete switch off from internet and all electronics are put away and yes that includes no TV at least once a month. The only one we trust to hide everything is my mother, and I must say she has some good hiding places - it also helps she takes the batteries out and hides them separately to the devices.

Admittedly the first time it was hard I mean no tumblr or instagram how could I live?! But the more we did the more we all enjoyed it. We actually sat down at the table at dinner time and talked. We spent the day playing board games and joking around the whole family.

It's honestly worth trying and even if you can't quite convince your family just yet do it yourself. Take one day and read a good book or just spend time thinking without any distractions. It's amazing how much you get done without the internet even though most of us claim to be unable to work without it.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

A very delayed character post #2

THE HUNGER GAMES SPOILER ALERT (although...there are books you could have read)
"Primrose Everdeen"..."I VOLUNTEER" this was the moment I sold my heart to another book series. The first one was amazing, the second one was the worst and the third was mneh. But the whole way through from the moment Katniss first volunteered as tribute for her little sister I created an unbreakable bond with her character.

Everyone constantly debates the whole Peeta or Gale aspect of the book and who Katniss should have chosen and if she chose the right person. Honestly my view on this neither of them...she settled for the one who would understand what she went through better. Her choice, however was never which boy she should marry but if she could save her sister. Gale knew the moment his idea killed her he had no chance. (I still think he shouldn't have given up that easy but they all went through so much I'm not surprised).

I have a little sister and Katniss' repetitive choices to get home to her sister safe, to keep her sister safe after without hesitating is really really something I relate to. I can say with a broken heart after Katniss lost her father, her sister and was exiled I don't know how she kept living. She is a fighter and a female character who I will always hold in the highest regard. She lost everything and somehow managed to keep going.

I don't think there's much more I can say about her other than even if you don't like the book, even if you hate the films, or the actors in it, whatever. At least take a page out of this book and her character development. If things get tough, if you lose everything, even your reason for living, never give up. Do everyone who you love proud and show anyone who doubted you wrong.

Monday, 3 March 2014


I know I've said this before and I will probably say it a million more times but I am sick and tired of having such a messy life. It really affects my studies and everything else. Why the sudden realization Dinah? Well I was inspired by this photo Belle posted on instagram.

I've tried a million different things to stay on top of my work and all of them fail miserably after the first two weeks. So I will be creating a post in one months time detailing my attempt at using these sheets which can be found to download and print here.

So far I have filled out four of these - one for each module - and come to the unnerving realisation that I have a law exam at the end of this year which counts for 100% of my final module result!!! To say I've been kick started into panic mode would be an understatement.

Wish me luck I may have only 4 weeks of fullish lectures left of my first year (seriously where the hell did the time go?!) but I have a feeling these may be the toughest to get through.