Monday, 3 March 2014


I know I've said this before and I will probably say it a million more times but I am sick and tired of having such a messy life. It really affects my studies and everything else. Why the sudden realization Dinah? Well I was inspired by this photo Belle posted on instagram.

I've tried a million different things to stay on top of my work and all of them fail miserably after the first two weeks. So I will be creating a post in one months time detailing my attempt at using these sheets which can be found to download and print here.

So far I have filled out four of these - one for each module - and come to the unnerving realisation that I have a law exam at the end of this year which counts for 100% of my final module result!!! To say I've been kick started into panic mode would be an understatement.

Wish me luck I may have only 4 weeks of fullish lectures left of my first year (seriously where the hell did the time go?!) but I have a feeling these may be the toughest to get through.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you found them! I've been using them for all of my deadlines this semester so far and I swear it has made me so much more organised and productive! Good luck for the rest of the semester (side note: don't remind me that there's only a month of teaching left before I have to graduate haha!)

    The Life & Times of Belle
