Friday, 31 January 2014

Weekly Character Post 1

When it came to writing this post I realised Spencer Hastings is not the only female character I have a strong appreciation for and connection with. So I thought instead of trying to write about them all in one post I could make it a weekly thing. Every Friday - hopefully - I'll be writing a post on some of my favourite female characters. Introduction out the way let's start with Spencer Hastings.


In last weeks episode of pretty little liars I couldn't help but notice how tired Spencer looked. She still managed to look damn flawless but also tired. The end of the episode where we saw her tirelessly working through Alli's notebook really clicked with me. Although not in the same situation her determination and ability to focus on something without giving up is a quality I feel I possess. However it can be negative and have a detrimental effect. Trust me very few people manage to look as good as Spencer does with no sleep. She was starting to look like she did when she was in Radley, her complete lack of emotion and breakdown which led her there really hit home for several reasons but I could completely understand her sudden change.

As an all girls grammar school graduate I clicked with Spencer and her ideology of B is bad. Growing up and being constantly told you're talented is great...until you get one bad mark and suddenly you're not that talented anymore. I mean in most peoples eyes a B is really good - like Emily tries to tell Spencer - but for Spencer and me and some others a B is not good enough especially when you've spent your whole life with an unblemished academic record. It's a quality in some ways I'm glad I share with Spencer but once again it's a quality which can easily get out of control.

Another thing I adore about Spencer is her impeccable fashion taste most of the time, the dress in season 4s Halloween episode was less than flattering sorry! She's honestly inspired a whole wardrobe change for me - still in progress. Honestly whenever I go shopping now I think to myself "hmm would Spencer wear that?", I have a long way to go for a full wardrobe overhaul but I'm getting there.

1 comment:

  1. You've gotta love Spencer's style and work ethic! :)

    Belle //
