Monday, 20 January 2014

All great things start with a list

To say my organizational skills require help would be an understatement. No matter how many timetables I make for revision or daily work I can never stick to them.

The one thing that seems to really work for me is making lists. Lists are one of my favourite ways through which I can to some extent organize myself.

For the new academic year me and Amy paid a visit to Muji where I found the most perfect list notepad. If you haven't purchased anything from there I sincerely recommend you check them out.

I make a list twice daily every morning and every well as throughout the day when I need an extra boost. They allow me to see what needs to be done during the day, without allocating a set time which I would undoubtedly end up procrastinating through.

What better way to end this post than with a list saying why lists are great!
● Sense of accomplishment - You get to tick off what you have done as you do it
● Allows you to procrastinate while still having daily goals for what needs to be completed
● You can use all kinds of pretty list making things like the muji sticky notes one which can be found here

Dinah xo


  1. I love this muji to-do list pad - it's the perfect spacing to write on the lines and enough to get done in a day :)

    Belle //

  2. It's honestly so useful considering how unorganized I am
