Wednesday, 15 January 2014

All work and no play...

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the lack of posts over the past week. I've been incredibly busy with uni deadlines and exams.

I think at this point of the academic year - after 12 years in education I don't do calendar year anymore -people can easily lose track of goals and forget why they're even studying in the first place.
What with all the coursework stress - I acknowledge it was my fault for procrastinating - and  exam revision I know it's happened to me this year.

Today I started to realise just how much I'd fallen out of love with my degree. But don't worry I have found a solution for that! I think I need to get out into society and take part in work experience, remind myself why I'm doing this degree. The answer will always be to help people but sometimes everyone needs a little reminder.

So my advice to anyone who reads this I get it's sometimes very tough to want to keep going but always remember the end  goal, and to do that I have 2 tips:

1) Print out pictures of where you want to be in 1,5,10 years make a future timeline on your wall. Everyone focuses on the past but ultimately you cant change that you can change the future so do what you need to get there!

2) Get out, do work, find things that you want to do no matter what you're doing spend time doing work experience in the field you want. I know work experience can be awful and nothing like a real job but it can help being surrounded by people doing what you want.

My last piece of advice never forget your past - but don't let the past define you or rule you, you can change anything and everything. It's all well focusing on the future but sit down every now and again to remember how far you've actually come.  Sometimes it can seem like you haven't moved at all if you look at yourself in the present but look at where you started and you'll feel motivated  again. I'm finally where I want to be after 7 very long years and whenever I feel like I'm going nowhere I have to remember that, so do all of you.

Dinah xo

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