Saturday, 31 October 2015

Organisation...I do try

I like to think I'm great at organising things - mainly because I am a strong believer in lists. Truth is I'm really really not.

So a few months ago I sent a panicked message to my bff and organisation/general 'how to have your life together' guru - Amy (obviously) - asking for help. It was a long rambly -probably sent at 2am - message like "ok I need a diary but I'm really bad with them and always feel like I'm not doing it properly if I miss a day here or there and I really like lists do you have any recommendations for me" and she introduced me to the world of Bullet Journals.

After a really long time of scrolling studyblrs and looking at all of the bullet journals and watching youtube videos and going to the site I thought I'd give it a lasted about 3 days oops.

BUT, I started my final year of uni at the beginning of October and realised I really need to get myself together. So I started my bullet journal again. And I've kept it up for a whole month!!!!

Ok, so this post isn't entirely about my achievements in starting to organise myself. I thought I'd add a few tips for anyone like me who desperately wants to be organised but just can't seem to keep it up.

1) Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day or two here and there.

2) I know a lot of studyblrs are against retrospective diaries but they work. If you struggle to list all the things you need to do during the day at the start of the day, put them into your journal as you do them or at the end of the day.

3) Make your daily list twice - I start each morning with writing all of the appointments and tasks I have for the day. At the end of the day I go back and add all of the things I got done that I hadn't originally put down.

4) My twist on the bullet journal - Every Monday I write down all of the things that I need to get done during the week. I know I won't finish them in the one day but I write them down. I then use a little arrow in the text box to indicate that it will continue into the next day. I then write the task down on the following day until I get it completely done.

5) Do a weekly check. Every Saturday morning sit down and go through your weeks journal and see that it's all been checked off and if it hasn't you have 2 days to complete it before the week is over.

6) This is most important for me - Make it pretty! 

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