Friday, 29 August 2014


So I’m very bad at making small sub-goals and generally aim for huge goals which I never get round to achieving because I don’t really know how to get there. So with the help of a couple of friends I now have 2 big goals with individual sub goals relating to each.
1       Med School
a.       Get at least a 2:1 in university (I’m really aiming for a first)
b.      Get up to 6 months work experience
c.       Work on GAMSAT/UKCAT
d.      Gain interview practice
2       Specialize in Psychiatry
a.       Make all dissertations psychology based
b.      Pass Med school
c.       Get onto Psych ward rotations for Junior years
d.      Make good impressions on Psych wards
e.      Gain Psych ward registrar qualifications
f.        Apply for a job on a Psych ward in the UK
g.       Apply for a transfer to US after 2 years’ experience
I need to keep reminding myself that this is a long term thing – 6 years+ at least I think – and it’s not going to happen overnight.  So this is my check list and as I achieve these things I’ll come back to this post and cross them out as a visual reminder of how far I’ve come.

(PS I will be writing and uploading another one of these sub-goal posts for the other direction I am thinking about going in, which is Law. I am still very conflicted on which route I want to take in the future. Having a solid set of goals for each option will possibly make the decision easier and mean there is less to think about when I finally do make a decision).


  1. This is a great post, it's nice to see someone with ambition who's willing to work really hard, good luck with everything on this list!
