Sunday, 4 January 2015


I think the first thing that got me attracted to the idea of busy cities like new york/london is that i could lose myself in all the people but now i'm feeling like it's more than that like maybe i could actually find myself there

So I was lucky enough to spend 2 weeks over the Christmas holidays in New York City and had such a good time. Every aspect felt like a dream and I really had a lot of time to reflect while I was there. Currently having some issues with getting the photos off my phone too my mac but I am working on a couple of long posts about my time and thoughts there. I just wanted to share the above sentence that came about while having a heart to heart with Amy.



  1. I would love to see pics.I love newyork

    1. Hey! I've been soo busy with uni the past few weeks I forgot about this! I'll defo upload a picture post asap in the next couple of days xoxo
