Yesterday I decided to read some of the news on the BBC website as opposed to just reading The Skimm article that is sent to my E-mail every morning. I was shocked and quite distraught at a number of the articles I read about
bullying. Instead of the matter being successfully tackled and bullying reports decreasing it seems to be going in the opposite direction; and with the internet it doesn’t just stop at the school gates.
As someone who has been bullied in the past this topic hasn’t always been an easy one to talk about. But as my little sister goes to school every day I can’t help but be worried that she may be getting bullied. In fact whenever I see anyone going into a school my heart breaks for them because some of us are pushed into an environment where no one likes us and we’re expected to keep good grades, have friends and do things. Now I know it’s not like this for everyone not everyone is bullied and not everyone is a bully but I’m talking about the people who are. The people who are continuously knocked down day after day after day and are still expected to go into school every morning. But it’s fine because these are ‘the best years of our lives’ right?
It’s all good hearing the repeated mantra from parents and various other adults that “sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you”, but that’s not true. Words are worse than any physical injury. Yes if someone beats the crap out of you, you may break a bone but broken bones heal. It’s the mental scars that are left behind which are much worse.
Kids mortified to go into school because who knows what’s going to happen to them. Kids not able to go online because the moment they sign up for any social media all they get is hate telling them to die telling them they’re worthless. Is that something any of us would want siblings or our own kids in the future to be living with?
If you have never been bullied and you read this thinking it can’t be that bad honestly I’m happy for you. Ignorance really is bliss after all. But if you know what I’m talking about; if you’ve ever pretended to be sick because you didn’t want to have to go into school I hope you’re willing to try and make a change.
It’s all well people telling me “you’re in university now why are you worried about what happens to
them it’s just society”. We are society; we are the only people who can change this. I want bullying to be a rare occurrence that’s dealt with by schools properly not a common thing. Until then gifted beautiful teenagers are going to keep getting hurt; keep getting disorders such as depression and anorexia; keep dying because when they’re crying there’s no one to pick them up only people to push them over the edge.
We all need to be kinder to each other only through actions can anything change. You never know what battles a person is facing quietly don’t unnecessarily upset them further. The simple message be nice and smile more.