Friday, 29 August 2014


So I’m very bad at making small sub-goals and generally aim for huge goals which I never get round to achieving because I don’t really know how to get there. So with the help of a couple of friends I now have 2 big goals with individual sub goals relating to each.
1       Med School
a.       Get at least a 2:1 in university (I’m really aiming for a first)
b.      Get up to 6 months work experience
c.       Work on GAMSAT/UKCAT
d.      Gain interview practice
2       Specialize in Psychiatry
a.       Make all dissertations psychology based
b.      Pass Med school
c.       Get onto Psych ward rotations for Junior years
d.      Make good impressions on Psych wards
e.      Gain Psych ward registrar qualifications
f.        Apply for a job on a Psych ward in the UK
g.       Apply for a transfer to US after 2 years’ experience
I need to keep reminding myself that this is a long term thing – 6 years+ at least I think – and it’s not going to happen overnight.  So this is my check list and as I achieve these things I’ll come back to this post and cross them out as a visual reminder of how far I’ve come.

(PS I will be writing and uploading another one of these sub-goal posts for the other direction I am thinking about going in, which is Law. I am still very conflicted on which route I want to take in the future. Having a solid set of goals for each option will possibly make the decision easier and mean there is less to think about when I finally do make a decision).

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

How to get motivated....and stay motivated

So I've got a couple of really big and interesting projects lined up for the near future as well as uni exams, ergo I may not be blogging as much but I realised I like it way to much to just completely stop after starting so recently. I'll blog as frequently as possible and might have more time now considering I'm not splitting all my time between huge projects and university (my first year is already over what???).

Anyway to the point of this post motivation! I don't know about any of you guys but I seem to get these short periods where I feel like " Yeah! I'm so motivated! I'm gonna do everything I need to do! Wooo!" and then like an hour later I'm back in bed on netflix watching gossip girl (which I surprisingly still haven't finished yet). So here are some of my tips on how to stay motivated.

1) DO NOT SAY YOU NEED THE INTERNET TO REVISE!!!! You can easily get everything you need from books suggested in your reading lists. So switch that internet off disconnect your computer from the wifi and work hard.

2) YOU DO NOT NEED YOUTUBE!!! If you want to listen to music download it and listen to it on an ipod. If you put youtube on well there goes any productivity for the next 4 hours (unless it's this 9hr video of the harry potter soundtrack

3) PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!!! Get someone to take it away from you for a few hours if you have to you can reply to those tweets and check your instagram later you do not need to do it right away not even as part of your 10 minute break.

Also my dad linked me to this article and I just thought I'd share this excerpt from it:

"If you don't believe that you have achieved anything particularly remarkable by age 17, that's okay, too. We hadn't heard of most world leaders by the time they reached 17. Part of the journey of life is finding the area in which we can make the biggest, most positive contribution and then following through with this awareness.

What's important to know is that by developing who you are on the inside, you will affect your external experience. 

Making a commitment. Working towards a goal with consistent, conscious actions. Being kind to yourself and to others. These are the things that matter. These are the things that will determine your success in the bigger scheme of life."

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

24 hour lockdown

Nowadays, people are rarely seen without some form of access to electronics and the internet. Whether you're at school, sat on the bus, the tube, university, work, the list goes on you will always be within reaching distance of a computer/laptop/tablet/phone all easily connected to the internet. In our obsession to instagram and tweet moments we often miss out on actually enjoying the thing. I mean yeah you might have the memory but you're missing vital time enjoying it in the presence.

I, along with my family, therefore have a complete switch off from internet and all electronics are put away and yes that includes no TV at least once a month. The only one we trust to hide everything is my mother, and I must say she has some good hiding places - it also helps she takes the batteries out and hides them separately to the devices.

Admittedly the first time it was hard I mean no tumblr or instagram how could I live?! But the more we did the more we all enjoyed it. We actually sat down at the table at dinner time and talked. We spent the day playing board games and joking around the whole family.

It's honestly worth trying and even if you can't quite convince your family just yet do it yourself. Take one day and read a good book or just spend time thinking without any distractions. It's amazing how much you get done without the internet even though most of us claim to be unable to work without it.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

A very delayed character post #2

THE HUNGER GAMES SPOILER ALERT (although...there are books you could have read)
"Primrose Everdeen"..."I VOLUNTEER" this was the moment I sold my heart to another book series. The first one was amazing, the second one was the worst and the third was mneh. But the whole way through from the moment Katniss first volunteered as tribute for her little sister I created an unbreakable bond with her character.

Everyone constantly debates the whole Peeta or Gale aspect of the book and who Katniss should have chosen and if she chose the right person. Honestly my view on this neither of them...she settled for the one who would understand what she went through better. Her choice, however was never which boy she should marry but if she could save her sister. Gale knew the moment his idea killed her he had no chance. (I still think he shouldn't have given up that easy but they all went through so much I'm not surprised).

I have a little sister and Katniss' repetitive choices to get home to her sister safe, to keep her sister safe after without hesitating is really really something I relate to. I can say with a broken heart after Katniss lost her father, her sister and was exiled I don't know how she kept living. She is a fighter and a female character who I will always hold in the highest regard. She lost everything and somehow managed to keep going.

I don't think there's much more I can say about her other than even if you don't like the book, even if you hate the films, or the actors in it, whatever. At least take a page out of this book and her character development. If things get tough, if you lose everything, even your reason for living, never give up. Do everyone who you love proud and show anyone who doubted you wrong.

Monday, 3 March 2014


I know I've said this before and I will probably say it a million more times but I am sick and tired of having such a messy life. It really affects my studies and everything else. Why the sudden realization Dinah? Well I was inspired by this photo Belle posted on instagram.

I've tried a million different things to stay on top of my work and all of them fail miserably after the first two weeks. So I will be creating a post in one months time detailing my attempt at using these sheets which can be found to download and print here.

So far I have filled out four of these - one for each module - and come to the unnerving realisation that I have a law exam at the end of this year which counts for 100% of my final module result!!! To say I've been kick started into panic mode would be an understatement.

Wish me luck I may have only 4 weeks of fullish lectures left of my first year (seriously where the hell did the time go?!) but I have a feeling these may be the toughest to get through.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Weekly Character Post 1

When it came to writing this post I realised Spencer Hastings is not the only female character I have a strong appreciation for and connection with. So I thought instead of trying to write about them all in one post I could make it a weekly thing. Every Friday - hopefully - I'll be writing a post on some of my favourite female characters. Introduction out the way let's start with Spencer Hastings.


In last weeks episode of pretty little liars I couldn't help but notice how tired Spencer looked. She still managed to look damn flawless but also tired. The end of the episode where we saw her tirelessly working through Alli's notebook really clicked with me. Although not in the same situation her determination and ability to focus on something without giving up is a quality I feel I possess. However it can be negative and have a detrimental effect. Trust me very few people manage to look as good as Spencer does with no sleep. She was starting to look like she did when she was in Radley, her complete lack of emotion and breakdown which led her there really hit home for several reasons but I could completely understand her sudden change.

As an all girls grammar school graduate I clicked with Spencer and her ideology of B is bad. Growing up and being constantly told you're talented is great...until you get one bad mark and suddenly you're not that talented anymore. I mean in most peoples eyes a B is really good - like Emily tries to tell Spencer - but for Spencer and me and some others a B is not good enough especially when you've spent your whole life with an unblemished academic record. It's a quality in some ways I'm glad I share with Spencer but once again it's a quality which can easily get out of control.

Another thing I adore about Spencer is her impeccable fashion taste most of the time, the dress in season 4s Halloween episode was less than flattering sorry! She's honestly inspired a whole wardrobe change for me - still in progress. Honestly whenever I go shopping now I think to myself "hmm would Spencer wear that?", I have a long way to go for a full wardrobe overhaul but I'm getting there.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Thirteen Reasons Why

Books are honestly my one true love - along with Pepsi max...and chicken...and harry styles shh. I was recently recommended a book by my best friend 'Thirteen reasons why' By Jay Asher. Now there had been a fair bit of hype about this book in the past and therefore I wasn't sure if I would ever get round to reading it. I tend to procrastinate things which have been over-hyped.

However, when my friend turned up to a lunch date - that included chicken and Pepsi - with her copy of the book in hand for me to read I couldn't exactly refuse. The moment I got home I made myself comfortable and read the 288 page book in less than 4 hours. It would have been quicker but I had to keep pausing to deal with the emotions it was causing.

I would honestly be willing to recommend this book to anyone. It's incredibly sad and everyone should give it a read. It will give you a whole different outlook on your actions. There were many memorable parts of this book, but the strongest message I took from never know when it's the last time you'll see someone.

Dinah xo

Monday, 20 January 2014

All great things start with a list

To say my organizational skills require help would be an understatement. No matter how many timetables I make for revision or daily work I can never stick to them.

The one thing that seems to really work for me is making lists. Lists are one of my favourite ways through which I can to some extent organize myself.

For the new academic year me and Amy paid a visit to Muji where I found the most perfect list notepad. If you haven't purchased anything from there I sincerely recommend you check them out.

I make a list twice daily every morning and every well as throughout the day when I need an extra boost. They allow me to see what needs to be done during the day, without allocating a set time which I would undoubtedly end up procrastinating through.

What better way to end this post than with a list saying why lists are great!
● Sense of accomplishment - You get to tick off what you have done as you do it
● Allows you to procrastinate while still having daily goals for what needs to be completed
● You can use all kinds of pretty list making things like the muji sticky notes one which can be found here

Dinah xo

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

All work and no play...

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the lack of posts over the past week. I've been incredibly busy with uni deadlines and exams.

I think at this point of the academic year - after 12 years in education I don't do calendar year anymore -people can easily lose track of goals and forget why they're even studying in the first place.
What with all the coursework stress - I acknowledge it was my fault for procrastinating - and  exam revision I know it's happened to me this year.

Today I started to realise just how much I'd fallen out of love with my degree. But don't worry I have found a solution for that! I think I need to get out into society and take part in work experience, remind myself why I'm doing this degree. The answer will always be to help people but sometimes everyone needs a little reminder.

So my advice to anyone who reads this I get it's sometimes very tough to want to keep going but always remember the end  goal, and to do that I have 2 tips:

1) Print out pictures of where you want to be in 1,5,10 years make a future timeline on your wall. Everyone focuses on the past but ultimately you cant change that you can change the future so do what you need to get there!

2) Get out, do work, find things that you want to do no matter what you're doing spend time doing work experience in the field you want. I know work experience can be awful and nothing like a real job but it can help being surrounded by people doing what you want.

My last piece of advice never forget your past - but don't let the past define you or rule you, you can change anything and everything. It's all well focusing on the future but sit down every now and again to remember how far you've actually come.  Sometimes it can seem like you haven't moved at all if you look at yourself in the present but look at where you started and you'll feel motivated  again. I'm finally where I want to be after 7 very long years and whenever I feel like I'm going nowhere I have to remember that, so do all of you.

Dinah xo

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Be Nice, Smile More

Yesterday I decided to read some of the news on the BBC website as opposed to just reading The Skimm article that is sent to my E-mail every morning. I was shocked and quite distraught at a number of the articles I read about bullying. Instead of the matter being successfully tackled and bullying reports decreasing it seems to be going in the opposite direction; and with the internet it doesn’t just stop at the school gates.

As someone who has been bullied in the past this topic hasn’t always been an easy one to talk about. But as my little sister goes to school every day I can’t help but be worried that she may be getting bullied. In fact whenever I see anyone going into a school my heart breaks for them because some of us are pushed into an environment where no one likes us and we’re expected to keep good grades, have friends and do things. Now I know it’s not like this for everyone not everyone is bullied and not everyone is a bully but I’m talking about the people who are. The people who are continuously knocked down day after day after day and are still expected to go into school every morning. But it’s fine because these are ‘the best years of our lives’ right?

It’s all good hearing the repeated mantra from parents and various other adults that “sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you”, but that’s not true. Words are worse than any physical injury. Yes if someone beats the crap out of you, you may break a bone but broken bones heal. It’s the mental scars that are left behind which are much worse.

Kids mortified to go into school because who knows what’s going to happen to them. Kids not able to go online because the moment they sign up for any social media all they get is hate telling them to die telling them they’re worthless. Is that something any of us would want siblings or our own kids in the future to be living with?

If you have never been bullied and you read this thinking it can’t be that bad honestly I’m happy for you. Ignorance really is bliss after all. But if you know what I’m talking about; if you’ve ever pretended to be sick because you didn’t want to have to go into school I hope you’re willing to try and make a change.

It’s all well people telling me “you’re in university now why are you worried about what happens to
them it’s just society”. We are society; we are the only people who can change this. I want bullying to be a rare occurrence that’s dealt with by schools properly not a common thing. Until then gifted beautiful teenagers are going to keep getting hurt; keep getting disorders such as depression and anorexia; keep dying because when they’re crying there’s no one to pick them up only people to push them over the edge.

We all need to be kinder to each other only through actions can anything change. You never know what battles a person is facing quietly don’t unnecessarily upset them further. The simple message be nice and smile more.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

A's Back xxx

I would like to dedicate this to my love of Aria’s shoes; Hannah’s fashion – and common – sense; and one of my all-time favourite TV characters Spencer.

I must say I was a little disappointed with the episode. I think because I watched the show from the beginning of series 1 to the episode before the mid-season break in about two weeks I wasn’t prepared for the looooonnnngggg wait. I had forgotten half of what had happened in the previous episodes and was very confused for parts of it. Don’t worry I have since read the wiki plots for the series to refresh my memory and watched the episode again.

As usual Spencers outfits were pretty much perfect and Aria brought back the crazy leggings she seems to love so much. Hanna once again demonstrated a tiny bit of common sense that none of the liars seem to have.
The end of the episode was extremely heart breaking and I’m still not fully over it. I think I need more chocolate and ice cream to deal with it than Hanna does.

Stay tuned for a post on my love of Spencer xo

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Confessions of a Pepsiholic (Strictly Pepsi Max)

Confession time… I don’t drink a single type of hot drink – and yes that does mean no coffee or even hot chocolate. Whenever I say this I’m usually met by a chorus of “you’re missing out”, “where do you get your caffeine from” and many more my favourite being “how the hell do you cope with such little sleep then”.

As the last quote suggests I do not get as much sleep as I should and yes I do know it’s unhealthy but I’m working on it. How many university students really get their full 8 hours every single night? My parents never let me have tea or coffee growing up and as a result I don’t have a taste for either. It’s funny how many people seem disappointed when I visit and say I don’t drink tea or coffee. They resort to asking if I want a ‘cold drink’ instead. As long as that cold drink is carbonated I will say yes quicker than someone who is on their 10th cup of coffee.

Enter my one true love – other than TV shows and chicken – Pepsi Max. Until 2 years ago I was perfectly content with just having normal Pepsi and then I was introduced to Pepsi Max. I now have a bottle per day on average. If I am out at university or shopping or even visiting a friend I will have a bottle of Pepsi Max somewhere in my bag.

Seriously when I have 9am lectures most people are clutching a cup of coffee for warmth and to wake them up. I on the other hand am ready to go Pepsi Max in hand. Honestly the only thing I have to be jealous of coffee drinkers about is that their hands stay warm.

It’s gotten to the point where I visited my best friend for her birthday a week ago and her mom – who has known me since I was little – had already bought Pepsi Max for me even though none of her family really drinks it.

One of my new year’s resolutions this year (and the previous year and the year before that) is to have less Pepsi Max…and by that I mean less than 7 bottles a week. I can’t wait to see how this goes.

(This has totally not been written while I’m drinking a bottle of Pepsi Max not at all).

My name is Dinah and I’m a Pepsiholic x

Friday, 3 January 2014

XOXO Gossip Girl

Last year I finished college and as a result had a longer than normal summer break, I had a lot of time and not a lot of people I wanted to spend that time with. Thanks to suggestions from people I know (by that I mean tumblr and a couple of people who I know in real life) I started watching lots of American TV shows. As the title of this suggests one of those was gossip girl.

Now I choose not to react to real life situations but create intense relations with characters on TV shows and in films. While gossip girl started out as a bit of fun a few of the characters really made me think twice about the people I have in my life and the way I choose to live it.
In some way I managed to relate to almost every character in one way or another, but most of all Blair, Jenny and Dan. As I got further and further into the show – I am yet to finish it but coursework and exams seem to be all I have time to think about right now – I realised that although individually they may not be the person I desire to be together they have some great characteristics.
I went to an all-girls grammar school for 7 years and so there are a lot of comparisons I can make with Blair. From the moment we were accepted everyone seemed to expect us to achieve perfect exam results and if we didn’t we weren’t good enough. It was a very competitive environment and for a long time I felt like if I didn’t do perfectly I may as well give up. This lead too many existential crises and I often felt that I would never get to where I wanted to. I had – and to some extent still have – a strong desire for everything to go the way I wanted it to.

After my first set of college exams which didn’t go as well as I’d hoped I had a similar moment to the one Blair had when she didn’t get into Yale. I had to re-evaluate everything and just felt like completely giving up. Thankfully after a lot of thinking and discussions with my father – who I honestly have no idea what I would do without – I started looking at other universities. I visited Keele University and instantly fell in love I didn’t want to be anywhere else. That’s where I am now studying and honestly enjoying my time here.

Jenny and Dan are both to some extent social outcasts in their school they come from Brooklyn and the Upper East Siders don’t like that although that does change but no spoilers from me. They both change throughout the show Dan more subtly while Jenny is slightly more extreme. She changes through the show in order to have people like her; although at some points she tries to say she’s not changing but everyone can see she has. It’s a feeling I am close to having spent some of my time in secondary school being bullied and trying to change in order to fit in. In my last year I realised I didn’t like the person I had become in order to please others. I became close to a few new people and was happier than ever at being the person I wanted to be with people who liked me for me not who I tried to be.

I guess what I would like people to take away from this is that it’s okay to change a little. Everyone does it just don’t lose yourself to be like other people who honestly aren’t going to be good friends in the long run. Secondly it’s ok to have big dreams and be sad if they don’t work out but never let anything be the end of everything you want. You can still achieve everything you want just try a different path.

Dinah x

My life is full of - very bad - puns

So this is something I’ve been putting off for a very long time and I finally think it’s time to bite the bullet (be warned there are going to be many more such phrases in this post)and go for it. I had no clue how to start this and that’s one of the reasons I procrastinated it. 

I’ve lost count the number of times I’d say to Amy “Hey! I have the perfect first blog post idea” and then forget about it less than 5 minutes later. I finally realized that actually this is something that I want to do and sure it may not be perfect to start with but name one thing that’s worked out perfectly for you when you first tried it.

I’m 17 and a perfectionist, if I think I can’t do something to the best of my ability I put it off as long as possible. It’s a problem but I’m working on it and hopefully I’ll get there soon. This blog was meant to be started on my first day of university...back in September woops! So I told myself its fine I’ll start it on New Year’s Day…but that didn’t happen either.

I still haven’t quite figured out what my ‘blog style’ is going to be yet, I’m an extremely indecisive person and it’s going to take me time to figure out what exactly I want to do with this. But hang on for the ride (I told you there’d be more) and hopefully you’ll enjoy the things I have to say.

The fact I can’t decide how I want my blog to be yet just shows why I can’t decide the future I want for myself. I’m in my first year of university studying a Dual Honours degree; one science subject and one humanities. I chose it because I have absolutely no clue what I want to do in the future.

The future scares me a lot because I don’t know how things will work out. Right now I’m still debating whether I want to do law in the future or go into medicine but I’ve got a while to figure that out thankfully.

I know this post has been a bit of a mess in terms of what I’ve said in it but it gives you a little insight into me the blogger behind the computer screen (I’ll try to stop now I promise). Hopefully I have a few ideas for some posts and I’ll try to keep them more to one topic each post.

LN xo